Today, I return with a declaration, issuing a call to the literal tens of you who read this weird little thing I call my blog.
This summer is The Summer of Personal Renaissance. That's just a fact. No use debating it; it's been declared.
"But, Cliff," you ask, "what does this mean?"
The Summer of Personal Renaissance is a time for the rebirth of learning and the arts, much like the actual Renaissance.
Take some time this summer to read some great books that might be outside of your normal tastes. Try to expand your personal horizons to see beyond the familiar and comfortable and find the unchartered territory.
I'll be taking a journey through "Man Lit" this summer, a genre in which I am certainly not well-versed. I've already read Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer and I'm working my way through Charles Bukowski's Women right now.
In that same spirit, take some time to pursue some new artistic endeavor. You never know what wells of untapped creativity you may find.
For that missive, I plan to take up some landscape painting - a favorite past time of one of my personal heroes: W.S Churchill.
The Summer of Personal Renaissance is not solely dedicated to mental and creative enlightenment, however.
SPR is also about making positive personal changes in your life and allowing yourself to have a personality rebirth.
Finally get over that ex. Lose that extra weight. Stop cursing so damn much. Develop a stutter.
Do whatever you think will bring you joy, happiness, and a more fulfilling life.
That's what the Summer of Personal Renaissance is all about.
There you have it, kids.
Go out and do.