Thursday, April 14, 2011

The McCollumn - 4/15: 'That's what friends are for'

Whenever I have a bad week, I feel a natural urge to withdraw from the world, taking time to self-regulate whatever is bothering me and finding someway to move past it.
The last few days have certainly had the makings of a bad week, what with hard drive crashes on my beloved Mac and the loss of half my music catalogue from iTunes due to said crash.
Part of my bedroom ceiling fell in on Tuesday afternoon, covering my bedroom in insulation and stagnant water from a leaking AC pipe.
These are just the major problems; the minor ones aren’t worth mentioning.
As I dealt with all of this insanity, my natural impulse was to pull away and do my hermit thing for a while. It’s what I know; it’s comfortable.
But, I was unable to do that this week, and I’m glad I wasn’t.
I’ve had friends calling all week, filling up my social calender with brunches, impromptu dinners, cookouts and other sundry invitations.
I’ve been drifting from social circle to social circle, getting to visit with old friends and talk through things.
There’s been an enjoyable brunch with lively conversation and delectable food, including biscuits that may or may not be as good as my grandmother’s recipe (I adamantly refuse to admit).
There was a night where rooftops were climbed and stars were gazed upon as the winds blew wildly around us.
There were phone calls and texts of support, people in my life who instinctively know to call and check when they think I’m upset.
It’s the true friends who have that innate ability to sense probelms and respond immediately without being asked.
We may crave solitude and silence when troubles find us, but maybe we actually need to get out amongst our friends and family and find the love, support and kindness we actually need.
Self-reliance is nice, but we aren’t forced to be self-reliant.
As the great Neil Diamond said, “Now you got yourself two good hands. And when your brother is troubled, you got to reach out your one hand for him ‘cause that’s what it’s there for.
And when your heart is troubled, you got to reach out your other hand, reach it out to The Man up there ‘cause that’s what he’s there for.”
Hallelujah, Neil.
Reaching out the hand is easy to do when a friend is in need, but there may be a problem when it’s you who needs the hand.
We have to be willing to seek help and counsel when we need it.
We must realize going it alone is an option, but it probably isn’t the best option.
There are dozens of old adages and cliches I could bombard you here with about friendships and the support our friends provide, but I won’t make you suffer through that.
This week showed me I’m blessed to have a good number of people who reach out to me when I need it.
I’m thankful.
My hope for you, dear readers, is that you realize and appreciate the folks in your life who do the same for you.
They’re there.
Just seek them out.


  1. I'll see your Neil Diamond lyric, and raise you one: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." Love you :)

  2. This is your definition of a bad week? Perhaps you should take a look into the news and observe what is going on in northern Alabama. It would make your life seem simple and carefree. Once you are in the real world where you have your own financial obligations, losing half of an iTunes collection will seem small in comparison with the real life adults lead.
