Tuesday, October 19, 2010

McCollum Classic - The " 'Preciate it. Have a day" column

Tonight's City Council Meeting and the Righteous Awesomeness that was Homer McCollum unleashed will be our subject for a later date ... it's a good story, but I'm not ready to write about it yet.

Instead, I give a bit of classic Cliff, or Old Cliff ... or just Cliff. I'm obstinate and seldom change.

I thought this little piece of writing would never see the light of day again; it was buried in The Plainsman archives like the Ark of the Covenant in that government warehouse - never to be seen again.

Well, thanks to current Plainsman editor and friend of the blog (and Friend of Cliff, of course) Rod Guajardo, it's now online on The Plainsman's Web site, properly backdated and amended. I don't know who took the time to find this and type it back up, so I thank you, good sir, and whomever else may have helped.

The link:

It was a filler piece, just something to fill a space left when another columnist dropped out, but I like it.

Hope you enjoy it, too, dear readers.


  1. I like it, and it is my belief that those current Plainsman newsies pick a day to be highly and superearthly industrious and put a decent archives on the site. Then again, I'm a bit of a dreamer :)

    When are you going to write about the lessons we learned parking the RV?

  2. Oh, there are many life lessons that must be discussed about RV parking.

    And about French cabaret music on top of the library parking deck.

    And ... come to think of it ... what led us to be driving around the library parking deck at that time.

  3. Tomorrow it won't be today, so have a day!

  4. I'm staring at an off-yellow Post-it note and smiling.

    For some reason, I'm also thinking about cows and Swiss fighter planes.

  5. I love that they reposted this. Also, don't think you snuck that "Sister Act 2" by me at the end.
